Friday 18 May 2012

Indigo's blog post to say Hi!


Hello! It's Indigo here! I can't wait to tell you all that's happened so far, but I will have to tell you from my favourite to my least favourite.

My favourite is that we have only got 2 months until Daisy is a young dog!

Well, I have also been birdwatching with Morris, and here's the best bit ever - we went on a 2 day school trip to Stratford-Upon-Avon, and we stayed up quite late to watch The Tempest, which is a Shakespeare play! It was soo fun!

I am writing a spooky story tonight! (it's Friday 18th May 2012) and tomorrow evening we're going to Bodmin to see the Olympic flame!

Yesterday a beautiful bench and an obelisk came and mum moved the obelisk into the flower bed and has planted some peas and runner beans ready for us to much on in August! (An obelisk is like a thin pyramid without a base and lots of little holes in the sides for peas and runner beans.)
                                                                       -- So that's what we've been doing!

Indi xxx

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